Consulting Services

Organizational Development & Evaluation

With our experience in social services, as clinicians and administrators, we have helped many organizations seek clarity around processes, procedures, policies, and evaluations. For evaluations, we use logic models or other methods to map programming inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes. These services clarify program impact and help identify program opportunities and gaps. Our analytical aptitude and experience in the social service sector can lead your team to clarity and a path for improved outcomes. 

  • Procedure documentation and process review
  • Focus Group Facilitation
  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Qualitative Analysis
  • Interviews
  • Surveys 
  • Catered Feedback
  • Infographics & Data Visualization
  • Summarized Reporting
  • Interim Leadership

To get started today, call (440) 223-3679 or email [email protected]

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